Check out this great article about Biltmore weddings from Grace Ormonde Wedding Style magazine. A great read for the bride looking for a majestic and timeless wedding event. The article features photography by Asheville's Two Ring Studios.
The Venue is an Event Facility located in the center of downtown Asheville. It offers a spacious floor plan of 13,000 + sq feet, with three unique sections. Each section has private entrances - The Market Street level, the Mezzanine and The Second floor with a beautiful balcony area overlooking the mountains of Asheville.
Rodney and Ashley got married in Asheville last month and put on a wedding that can best be described simply as “very Asheville.” Their five children, their parents and families, their friends and the city of Asheville itself were embraced and entertained by the bride and groom in what they referred to simply as “the festivities.” Comedians, a clown, a gypsy jazz band and fire dancers made for an incredible day which photographer Luis Toledo was honored to chronicle. To see all the amazing photos please see Luis Toledo's blog.